One of the Queens Art Collective’s earliest members, there’s not many around as versatile in their craft as Belowkey. From murals, graphic design, pop-up shops, paintings to clothing, this guy can do it all, but there’s one particular aspect outside of the public eye. It was a tough decision with many to choose from, but we narrowed down 20 of our most favorite trains by this Queens native for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
“No matter how many trains I paint, I approach each one with the same love as my first—determined to leave it more beautiful than I found it. Quantity is important but so is quality.”
“Every time we paint freights, it’s a mission. A team of few, getting ready to do as much damage as possible and cover as much metal in the shortest time. Most times it goes smooth, but some days are hectic .”
“Solo missions are some of my favorite experiences I’ve had at the yard—no one to rely on as my lookout and every small sound is a hundred times louder when all your senses are heightened. The feeling of accomplishment at the end of the mission is priceless. After all, it’s a numbers game and it’s only a matter of time until someone gets to see one rolling by.”
“My other car is a boxcar.”